#wgt16 - HOW DID I GET HERE??
On the 29th of February 2016 I had the privilege of attending the #WECOMMUNITIES "Get Together" at Salford University. And what an amazing event it was. Hundreds of people, from all walks of life, from far and wide, talking Health, Communication and the impact of Social Media.
I spent a deal of my time discovering SoMe Friends in person - meeting for the 1st time - old and new virtual friends, face to face in real time. It was like a huge "Blind Date".
Let me offer a challenging perspective on this! There was a lot of inspirational commentary. Not only were there the days "delegates", but we were also a community "On-line" - Virtual - to a huge SoMe audience - we were "TRENDING". We talked about cutting edge communication, crossing new boundaries, and changing the face of professional communication. There was a lot of (dare I say) inspirational talk, of new paradigms, and challenging "change".

Now those of you who know me well will also know that I do not take life too seriously, and hope fervently that people do not take me too seriously. I reflected carefully on this paradigm shifting perspective. I asked myself some simple questions.
Why (for example) did I engage with Social Media? Was it to change the world? Was it to enact a communication revolution? No - it was because I was human - I was curious. What was "TWITTER" - and why were so many people using it.... I discovered a world where I could could talk to people all over the world.
What fun..... !!!!
I MET PEOPLE and made plans and projects that I would never have entertained without Twitter.
What fun..... !!!!
I MET PEOPLE and made plans and projects that I would never have entertained without Twitter.
I am 60 years old in a few weeks. I remember Black and White Television, and 3 TV Channels. I remember a time before the Internet and before Google, Apps and Smart Phones. And I ask myself why does an old man like me use Twitter and Facebook. And the simple answer is that because it is the most fun I have ever had... I am not "Inspired" or "Driven" - I am enjoying communicating with my family, friends and new friends. That this may change the world is simply a useful spin off to the most basic of human skills - the ability to communicate information, emotion, care, ideas - in all the diversity that humanity is...
"For millions of years we lived just like the animals. Then something happened that unleashed the power of our imaginations. We learned to talk and listen. "
Professor Steven Hawkings
"WE" Communities
This is not a "Revolution" - it is an "Evolution". All we have to do is make sure we keep talking!!

This is not a "Revolution" - it is an "Evolution". All we have to do is make sure we keep talking!!